Nielson Park Draft Concept Masterplan

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Project update - August 2024

The Nielson Park Masterplan project will be completed in stages.

Each stage will become a distinct precinct which will undergo a detailed design.

The community will be consulted during the development of each precinct design.

A budget proposal is currently being prepared for the first stage.

Project update - June 2023

A Draft Concept Masterplan for Nielson Park is now available to view and provide feedback on.

The key pages from the Draft Concept Masterplan have been shared below, and are also accessible in the "Photos" section on this website.

The Draft Concept Masterplan document is accessible in full here.

Please review the Draft Concept Masterplan and share your feedback via the online survey by midnight on Sunday 16 July 2023.

This Masterplan includes parts of the Nielson Park Reserve (Lot 220 on SP154063) which is a State Government reserve for community use dedicated for park and recreation. Council is the trustee for this reserve and therefore has responsibility for the management of this land in accordance with the Land Act 1994. A Trust Land Management Plan has been developed and was adopted in 2013 to guide the management of this reserve for the next 30 years, see attached. Council believes that the current Draft Concept Masterplan is consistent with the Trust Land Management Plan and the desired outcomes contained therein. Community feedback will be assessed against the Trust Land Management Plan as a benchmark.

If you would like a paper copy of the survey, please contact Council on 1300 883 699 or email Paper copy surveys will need to be returned to a Council office by 4.45pm Friday 14 July, 2023.

Ensure you have your say:


Nielson Park is one of the Bundaberg Region’s premier beachside recreation parks, featuring a variety of facilities including a skate bowl, picnic shelters, a toilet block, and junior and senior play areas.

The popular destination park, frequented by both locals and visitors all year-round, provides access to the Nielson Park Bathing Reserve and is home to the Bundaberg Surf Life Saving Club and Bargara Park Run.

Nielson Park has been identified for upgrade and development as part of Bundaberg Regional Council’s Parks and Open Space Strategy 2019-2026.

This summer Council is inviting the community to provide feedback so a concept Masterplan for the park can be developed.

We want to hear about what you’d like to see in the park, and how the park can continue to be a popular destination for locals and holidaymakers alike, as it has for decades. Fill out the online survey here or contact Council for a paper copy.

You can also use the Places tool to give us your suggestions. You can plot your ideas on the map and even add photos of ideas you like. Try it here.

You are invited to attend a Community Consultation Day on Saturday 15 January and speak to Council staff and our project consultant about what upgrades would benefit you, your family, and the wider community.

After the community consultation, a draft of the Concept Design will then be shared with the community.

Scope area

Project update - August 2024

The Nielson Park Masterplan project will be completed in stages.

Each stage will become a distinct precinct which will undergo a detailed design.

The community will be consulted during the development of each precinct design.

A budget proposal is currently being prepared for the first stage.

Project update - June 2023

A Draft Concept Masterplan for Nielson Park is now available to view and provide feedback on.

The key pages from the Draft Concept Masterplan have been shared below, and are also accessible in the "Photos" section on this website.

The Draft Concept Masterplan document is accessible in full here.

Please review the Draft Concept Masterplan and share your feedback via the online survey by midnight on Sunday 16 July 2023.

This Masterplan includes parts of the Nielson Park Reserve (Lot 220 on SP154063) which is a State Government reserve for community use dedicated for park and recreation. Council is the trustee for this reserve and therefore has responsibility for the management of this land in accordance with the Land Act 1994. A Trust Land Management Plan has been developed and was adopted in 2013 to guide the management of this reserve for the next 30 years, see attached. Council believes that the current Draft Concept Masterplan is consistent with the Trust Land Management Plan and the desired outcomes contained therein. Community feedback will be assessed against the Trust Land Management Plan as a benchmark.

If you would like a paper copy of the survey, please contact Council on 1300 883 699 or email Paper copy surveys will need to be returned to a Council office by 4.45pm Friday 14 July, 2023.

Ensure you have your say:


Nielson Park is one of the Bundaberg Region’s premier beachside recreation parks, featuring a variety of facilities including a skate bowl, picnic shelters, a toilet block, and junior and senior play areas.

The popular destination park, frequented by both locals and visitors all year-round, provides access to the Nielson Park Bathing Reserve and is home to the Bundaberg Surf Life Saving Club and Bargara Park Run.

Nielson Park has been identified for upgrade and development as part of Bundaberg Regional Council’s Parks and Open Space Strategy 2019-2026.

This summer Council is inviting the community to provide feedback so a concept Masterplan for the park can be developed.

We want to hear about what you’d like to see in the park, and how the park can continue to be a popular destination for locals and holidaymakers alike, as it has for decades. Fill out the online survey here or contact Council for a paper copy.

You can also use the Places tool to give us your suggestions. You can plot your ideas on the map and even add photos of ideas you like. Try it here.

You are invited to attend a Community Consultation Day on Saturday 15 January and speak to Council staff and our project consultant about what upgrades would benefit you, your family, and the wider community.

After the community consultation, a draft of the Concept Design will then be shared with the community.

Scope area

Do you have questions about the Nielson Park Masterplan? Ask them here and we'll get back to you!

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  • Share Hi, will there be any AC EV chargers included during this lovely redevelopment? AC chargers are far cheaper to install than DC charges and it’s much easier to have multiple AC chargers in one spot as it creates less demand on the power grid. They are well suited to any place with existing power for BBQ/lighting near by, and work well were people spend a few hours parked. They help make more affordable shorter range EV’s more convenient and practical. on Facebook Share Hi, will there be any AC EV chargers included during this lovely redevelopment? AC chargers are far cheaper to install than DC charges and it’s much easier to have multiple AC chargers in one spot as it creates less demand on the power grid. They are well suited to any place with existing power for BBQ/lighting near by, and work well were people spend a few hours parked. They help make more affordable shorter range EV’s more convenient and practical. on Twitter Share Hi, will there be any AC EV chargers included during this lovely redevelopment? AC chargers are far cheaper to install than DC charges and it’s much easier to have multiple AC chargers in one spot as it creates less demand on the power grid. They are well suited to any place with existing power for BBQ/lighting near by, and work well were people spend a few hours parked. They help make more affordable shorter range EV’s more convenient and practical. on Linkedin Email Hi, will there be any AC EV chargers included during this lovely redevelopment? AC chargers are far cheaper to install than DC charges and it’s much easier to have multiple AC chargers in one spot as it creates less demand on the power grid. They are well suited to any place with existing power for BBQ/lighting near by, and work well were people spend a few hours parked. They help make more affordable shorter range EV’s more convenient and practical. link

    Hi, will there be any AC EV chargers included during this lovely redevelopment? AC chargers are far cheaper to install than DC charges and it’s much easier to have multiple AC chargers in one spot as it creates less demand on the power grid. They are well suited to any place with existing power for BBQ/lighting near by, and work well were people spend a few hours parked. They help make more affordable shorter range EV’s more convenient and practical.

    Thomas Brady asked over 1 year ago

    Thomas, the implementation of Electronic Vehicle Charging Stations within Council controlled land is currently being considered outside of the scope of this masterplan.  If you have any further questions regarding this matter please contact Council’s Economic Development Team on 1300 883 699 or

  • Share Are you planning to include any EV chargers in the redevelopment? I can’t see any on the plan. on Facebook Share Are you planning to include any EV chargers in the redevelopment? I can’t see any on the plan. on Twitter Share Are you planning to include any EV chargers in the redevelopment? I can’t see any on the plan. on Linkedin Email Are you planning to include any EV chargers in the redevelopment? I can’t see any on the plan. link

    Are you planning to include any EV chargers in the redevelopment? I can’t see any on the plan.

    NatalieB asked over 1 year ago

    Natalie, the implementation of Electronic Vehicle Charging Stations within Council controlled land is currently being considered outside of the scope of this masterplan.  If you have any further questions regarding this matter please contact Council’s Economic Development Team on 1300 883 699 or

Page last updated: 19 Aug 2024, 01:20 PM