- On-site Community Conversation Day
- Targeted Newsletter Drop to adjacent local residents
- Consultation with key Stakeholders
- Community Survey (338 Responses)
Why is this masterplan being undertaken?
The need to complete a Masterplan for Nielson Park was identified as part of the development of the Parks and Open Space Strategy 2019-2026.
What community consultation has occurred to develop this draft Concept Masterplan?
Initial Consultation Activities commenced in early 2022 and included a variety of consultation methods
The draft Concept Masterplan has been developed based on information which was obtained as part of the initial consultation and other Council guiding documents such as the Strategy and the Local Government Infrastructure Plan.
Is the Beach Mill Café staying as part of the Nielson Park upgrade?
The Beach Mill Café is an arrangement with Bundaberg Surf Life Saving Club and this arrangement is not affected by the draft Concept Masterplan.
Will memorials at Nielson Park be removed as part of the upgrades?
Approved memorials which are currently located within the defined area of the Nielson’s Park Masterplan will be retained in accordance with Council’s Policy. If relocation of any approved memorial is required, Council will seek to consult with interested parties relating to the impacted memorial. This information can be found on page 4 of the Draft Concept Masterplan document.
What environmental controls are in place to protect dune vegetation in the project area?
All required environmental approvals will be acquired prior to the commencement of works via the required application process. Council continues to be mindful of the sensitive coastal environment through its project planning for this area.
What impacts will this development have on Turtle Lighting?
Ensuring that lighting impacts to nesting turtles from the development of this Masterplan is minimised will be a key step during the development of this plan. Lighting requirements will be addressed on a case-by-case basis dependent on the location and type of infrastructure which is being installed. Public Safety and Environmental Consideration will be key aspects regarding the installation and management of lighting throughout this reserve.
How will the proposed pathway in front of the Bundaberg Surf Life Saving Club safely manage multiple users of the path including walkers, runners, bike riders and scooters?
Council understands that there will be different users on this pathway. To allow for safe use of shared paths Council has the ability to implement various measures to improve the safety of this area for all users. These measures may include modifications to the design to promote safe use, implementation of “Go Slow” or “No Ride” zones for commercial hire scooters, whereby these scooters can only be driven at a set speed; and installation of relevant signage. An appropriate risk assessment of these spaces will be undertaken during the detailed design stage.
Will there be an opportunity to have input into this masterplan in the future?
Yes. The Draft Concept Masterplan indicates the main ideas of the project and will be used as a basis for the future development of this area. The next step is to prioritise and stage the development Draft Concept Masterplan and commence Detailed Design of the relevant stages. This Detailed Design will further develop the Concept Design providing specific details to enable construction.
As part of the detailed design for each stage, community consultation will be undertaken to ensure the community is kept up to date with the development of Nielson Park.
Has the Masterplan considered the Land Management Plan for this reserve?
This Masterplan includes parts of the Nielson Park Reserve (Lot 220 on SP154063) which is a State Government reserve for community use dedicated for park and recreation. Council is the trustee for this reserve and therefore is responsible for the management of this land, in accordance with the Land Act 1994. A Trust Land Management Plan has been developed and adopted in 2013 to guide the management of this reserve for the next 30 years (you can read the Trust Land Management Plan here; or in the Documents section on this page). Council believes that the current draft concept masterplan is consistent with the Trust Land Management Plan and the desired outcomes contained therein. Community feedback will be assessed against the Trust Land Management Plan as a benchmark.
Have Electric Vehicle Charging Stations been considered in the masterplan?
The implementation of Electronic Vehicle Charging Stations within Council controlled land is currently being considered outside of the scope of this masterplan. If you have any further questions regarding this matter please contact Council’s Economic Development Team on 1300 883 699 or netzero@bundaberg.qld.gov.au.