Park upgrades around the region
Consultation has concluded
Three playgrounds around region will be replaced as they have reached the end of their useable life, as part of Bundaberg Regional Council's asset renewal program:
- George Campbell Park, Thabeban
- McCarthy Street Park, Avenell Heights
- Mikkelsen Park, Avenell Heights (including seats and basketball courts)
The replacement will ensure that these parks support the recreation needs of the surrounding community.
Thanks to everyone who told us what they'd like in their neighbourhood park.
Please click on the photo of your favourite park below to see the survey results.
Three playgrounds around region will be replaced as they have reached the end of their useable life, as part of Bundaberg Regional Council's asset renewal program:
- George Campbell Park, Thabeban
- McCarthy Street Park, Avenell Heights
- Mikkelsen Park, Avenell Heights (including seats and basketball courts)
The replacement will ensure that these parks support the recreation needs of the surrounding community.
Thanks to everyone who told us what they'd like in their neighbourhood park.
Please click on the photo of your favourite park below to see the survey results.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Council is committed to providing educational and engaging playgrounds that are accessible to all. Your feedback will help guide us in making an informed decision on what new equipment to include at George Campbell Park. While we may not be able to cater for all requests, we value your opinion and are appreciative of your feedback.
Council is collecting your personal information (e.g. name, address, email address etc.) which will be used for the purposes of seeking feedback on proposed park upgrades in the Bundaberg region. This information will only be accessed by authorised Council officers and handled in accordance with Council's Privacy Statement governed by the Information Privacy Act 2009. Visit for more information.
Any questions regarding this survey can be directed to Council's Community Engagement team at
Share George Campbell Park survey on Facebook Share George Campbell Park survey on Twitter Share George Campbell Park survey on Linkedin Email George Campbell Park survey link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Council is committed to providing educational and engaging playgrounds that are accessible to all. Your feedback will help guide us in making an informed decision on what new equipment to include at McCarthy Street Park. While we may not be able to cater for all requests, we value your opinion and are appreciative of your feedback.
Council is collecting your personal information (e.g. name, address, email address etc.) which will be used for the purposes of seeking feedback on proposed park upgrades in the Bundaberg region. This information will only be accessed by authorised Council officers and handled in accordance with Council's Privacy Statement governed by the Information Privacy Act 2009. Visit for more information.
Any questions regarding this survey can be directed to Council's Community Engagement team at
Share McCarthy Street Park survey on Facebook Share McCarthy Street Park survey on Twitter Share McCarthy Street Park survey on Linkedin Email McCarthy Street Park survey link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Council is committed to providing educational and engaging playgrounds that are accessible to all. Your feedback will help guide us in making an informed decision on what new equipment to include at Mikkelsen Park. While we may not be able to cater for all requests, we value your opinion and are appreciative of your feedback.
Council is collecting your personal information (e.g. name, address, email address etc.) which will be used for the purposes of seeking feedback on proposed park upgrades in the Bundaberg region. This information will only be accessed by authorised Council officers and handled in accordance with Council's Privacy Statement governed by the Information Privacy Act 2009. Visit for more information.
Any questions regarding this survey can be directed to Council's Community Engagement team at
Share Mikkelsen Park survey on Facebook Share Mikkelsen Park survey on Twitter Share Mikkelsen Park survey on Linkedin Email Mikkelsen Park survey link
Community feedback
Park upgrades around the region has finished this stageDuring August and September we'll be asking for your feedback. You can fill out the survey for your favourite park on this page.
Surveys closed midnight Thursday 30 September, 2021. Thanks everyone for your feedback.
Review of survey feedback
Park upgrades around the region has finished this stageThe Council Parks team will review the survey feedback, which will help in the planning of the upgrades.
Removal of existing playgrounds
Park upgrades around the region has finished this stageThe McCarthy Street Park playground was removed on Tuesday 14 June 2022.
The Mikkelsen Park playground will be removed on Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 June 2022.
The George Campbell Park playground has been removed.
George Campbell Park completed.
Park upgrades around the region has finished this stage -
McCarthy Street Park playground upgrade completed
Park upgrades around the region has finished this stage -
Installation of new playground at Mikkelsen Park
Park upgrades around the region has finished this stageWork has started on the upgrade to Mikkelsen Park and playground, and will be completed by 30 September 2022 weather and unforseen delays permitting.
Install new shade sail at McCarthy Street Park
Park upgrades around the region has finished this stageA new shade sail will be installed over the play equipment at McCarthy Street Park by the end of September 2022.
Seating for Mikkelsen Park
Park upgrades around the region has finished this stageNew seating and tables will be installed at Mikkelsen Park in the coming weeks. The section of pathway requiring repairs will also be completed.
All projects are now completed
Park upgrades around the region is currently at this stage
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