Lectures and Professional Development

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Eat, Breathe Move – Lectures and Professional Development

The Eat, Breathe, Move program worked with Ruben Meerman, well-known Australian scientist, educator, public speaker and author to deliver a series of engaging public lectures and professional development workshops around the “carbon in, carbon out” concept.

Throughout 2023, the community engaged in festival displays, public lectures and workshops building on health literacy through fun science and exploration.

“I really enjoyed the visual/live experiments that explained science of how our bodies burn carbon and waste so well.”

“Reuben is such a motivating presenter. His props and experiments made it easy to understand. His passion to teach people about healthy choices is contagious!!”

Schools & Teacher PD

Throughout 2023, Ruben engaged with over 3500 students at 21 of our local primary and secondary schools, presenting to students and delivering Professional Development workshops for educators to better understand the “carbon in, carbon out” concept and how to integrate it into everyday teaching. There is no place in Australia that teaches this age-old concept to the general public or in schools in an easy-to-understand format.

Sessions included:

  • Strategies and guidance on how to make this complex topic simpler and fun for students from as young as early primary
  • How these science concepts link to nutrition and physical activity messaging to reduce the risk of chronic disease; manage weight; and improve mental wellbeing.
  • An innovative Carbon Calculator to help people estimate and understand the relationship between the carbon in food and the carbon they exhale.

“It is important to start this learning process from an early age. Even towards the end of primary school, children are already forming habits that will stay with them through life. Start early !!”

Although the Eat, Breathe Move program has concluded, anyone interested in continued professional development or working with Ruben can contact him directly via https://rubenmeerman.com/

Eat, Breathe, Move was an initiative of the Building a Health Bundaberg Alliance. The project was funded under Round 2 of the ActiveKIT Program by the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport and Health and Wellbeing Queensland.

Eat, Breathe Move – Lectures and Professional Development

The Eat, Breathe, Move program worked with Ruben Meerman, well-known Australian scientist, educator, public speaker and author to deliver a series of engaging public lectures and professional development workshops around the “carbon in, carbon out” concept.

Throughout 2023, the community engaged in festival displays, public lectures and workshops building on health literacy through fun science and exploration.

“I really enjoyed the visual/live experiments that explained science of how our bodies burn carbon and waste so well.”

“Reuben is such a motivating presenter. His props and experiments made it easy to understand. His passion to teach people about healthy choices is contagious!!”

Schools & Teacher PD

Throughout 2023, Ruben engaged with over 3500 students at 21 of our local primary and secondary schools, presenting to students and delivering Professional Development workshops for educators to better understand the “carbon in, carbon out” concept and how to integrate it into everyday teaching. There is no place in Australia that teaches this age-old concept to the general public or in schools in an easy-to-understand format.

Sessions included:

  • Strategies and guidance on how to make this complex topic simpler and fun for students from as young as early primary
  • How these science concepts link to nutrition and physical activity messaging to reduce the risk of chronic disease; manage weight; and improve mental wellbeing.
  • An innovative Carbon Calculator to help people estimate and understand the relationship between the carbon in food and the carbon they exhale.

“It is important to start this learning process from an early age. Even towards the end of primary school, children are already forming habits that will stay with them through life. Start early !!”

Although the Eat, Breathe Move program has concluded, anyone interested in continued professional development or working with Ruben can contact him directly via https://rubenmeerman.com/

Eat, Breathe, Move was an initiative of the Building a Health Bundaberg Alliance. The project was funded under Round 2 of the ActiveKIT Program by the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport and Health and Wellbeing Queensland.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    Please fill out this form if you are interested in attending free professional development training or public lectures regarding the concept of “carbon in, carbon out” (i.e. the food we eat, and the weight we lose, is lost through the carbon dioxide exhaled in our breath). Ruben Meerman will cover topics that include human metabolism, nutrition, and how the two are intertwined to affect health outcomes and obesity. 

    Council is collecting your personal information (e.g. name, email, phone number, etc.), for the purposes of registering your interest in participating in the Eat, Breathe, Move Program as outlined on this form. This information will be accessed by authorised Council officers and disclosed to Council’s contracted suppliers under the Eat, Breathe, Move Program. Personal information will be handled in accordance with Council's Privacy Statement governed by the Information Privacy Act 2009. Visit bundaberg.qld.gov.au/privacy for further information. 

    Any questions regarding this survey can be directed to Council's Community Engagement team at engagement@bundaberg.qld.gov.au.

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Page last updated: 07 Nov 2023, 12:48 PM