Upgrade for Avondale Recreational Reserve

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Consultation has concluded

Good news for Avondale residents – a new playground and disability compliant toilet facility will be installed in the Avondale Recreational Reserve.

The upgrade will replace the existing playground, which has reached the end of its useable life, and will ensure that the park supports the recreation needs of the surrounding community and is in keeping with Council infrastructure standards. It is funded through Bundaberg Regional Council's Parks, Sport & Natural Areas Asset Renewal Program 2021 - 22.

The new single cubicle unisex disability compliant toilet facility will be funded in 2022 - 2023.

Tell us your views

What would you like to see in the park?

Council is seeking feedback on the types of play and recreational equipment that you’d like to see included. Fill out the survey, below, to give us your “wish list”.

The survey opens Tuesday 19 October 2021 and closes close midnight on Tuesday 2 November, 2021.

Good news for Avondale residents – a new playground and disability compliant toilet facility will be installed in the Avondale Recreational Reserve.

The upgrade will replace the existing playground, which has reached the end of its useable life, and will ensure that the park supports the recreation needs of the surrounding community and is in keeping with Council infrastructure standards. It is funded through Bundaberg Regional Council's Parks, Sport & Natural Areas Asset Renewal Program 2021 - 22.

The new single cubicle unisex disability compliant toilet facility will be funded in 2022 - 2023.

Tell us your views

What would you like to see in the park?

Council is seeking feedback on the types of play and recreational equipment that you’d like to see included. Fill out the survey, below, to give us your “wish list”.

The survey opens Tuesday 19 October 2021 and closes close midnight on Tuesday 2 November, 2021.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The new playground at Avondale Recreational Reserve will replace the existing playground equipment, while remaining low impact and low maintenance. Your feedback will help guide us in making an informed decision on what new equipment to include at the Avondale Recreational Reserve. While we may not be able to cater for all requests, we value your opinion and are appreciative of your feedback.

    Consultation has concluded
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