1. What is the Moore Park Beach Places and Spaces Masterplan?

    Moore Park Beach Places and Spaces is a plan to prioritise the development of community facilities and infrastructure in the area from Palm View Drive in the vicinity of the Claude Dooley Park in the west to Lassig Street in the east, bordered by the beach in the north and Pacific Boulevard, Club Avenue and Moore Park Road in the south.  This plan has been developed to provide the overall design intent and interaction between each element, it does not provide the specific details of all of the elements that have been identified. These specific details will be developed through subsequent project design and with further community engagement.  

    2. Why has Council developed this plan?

    Bundaberg Regional Council’s objectives for the Moore Park Beach Community Hub align with our vision within our Corporate Plan, being to Build Australia’s Best Regional Community. To advance this vision, Council recently developed its Advocacy Priorities for 2020 which include improving community and recreational facilities for Moore Park Beach.

    The overall MPB Places and Spaces Masterplan has been undertaken so that future investments by Council into community facilities in Moore Park Beach is done in a planned and considered fashion.

    The objectives for the development of the Moore Park Beach Places and Spaces is to:

    • Improve recreational facilities and amenities in the Moore Pak Beach area with the intent of attracting young families to the community
    • Raise the profile of Moore Park Beach as a place to visit for holiday makers and day trip visitors
    • Assist in creating a greater sense of pride in the local community
    • Creation of innovative places and facilities to encourage local activation
    • Improve the efficiency of multiple land uses in an environmentally sensitive area
    • Guide future environmental improvements in sensitive natural and riparian areas
    • Provide direction of the staged delivery of Council’s capital works program over the next 5-10 years
    • Ensure all future development is undertaken in an integrated and sustainable fashion

    3. How was this plan developed?

    Council has undertaken several rounds of Community Consultation including an Information Evening, a public survey and consultation with specific groups such as Surf Life Saving Qld, Moore Park Beach State School and First Nations Representatives.  

    4. When will this be delivered?

    This plan will be delivered over the next 5-10 years as funding becomes available. Further design development will be undertaken for the various elements of the plan as Council priorities the projects within their overall capital works program across the whole local government area.

    5. What is the budget?

    No specific budget has been developed at this stage. Once Places and Spaces has been finalised a high level cost estimate will be developed. Budget will be further defined as individual elements are designed and prioritised for delivery.

    7. Why has Council limited the plan to this area?

    The area identified within Places and Spaces already contains a number of community facilities such as the Moore Park Beach Community Centre, the Pink House, ANZAC Memorial and the Surf Life Saving Club. It also includes recreational facilities such as the Moore Park Beach Bowls Club, sports oval and skate park. The developments proposed within Places and Spaces seeks to take advantage of these existing facilities, improve their connection and attractiveness.

    By concentrating developments in this area Council is able to

    • Raise the profile of Moore Park Beach as a place to visit for holiday makers and day trip visitors
    • Assist in creating a greater sense of pride in the local community
    • Creation of innovative places and facilities to encourage local activation
    • Improve the efficiency of multiple land uses in an environmentally sensitive area
    • Guide future environmental improvements in sensitive natural and riparian areas
    • Provide direction of the staged delivery of Council’s capital works program over the next 5-10 years
    • Ensure all future development is undertaken in an integrated and sustainable fashion

    The majority of the land identified for development within Places and Spaces is already community land which Council is trustee of, and as such, can be developed as described without additional land purchases, negotiations or lengthy planning approvals

    8. What is being done about the Surf Life Saving Club?

    The Moore Park Surf Life Saving Club is currently seeking funds to build a new clubhouse and demolish their old clubhouse which was severely impacted by storm surge in 2011 and 2013. The site of the new clubhouse is identified within Places and Spaces.  

    10. What about a boat ramp/jetty?

    Stakeholder engagements have identified a community desire to develop a boat ramp or jetty at Moore Park Beach. Places and Spaces focussed its development in the area around the existing surf lifesaving club which is the patrolled part of the beach and the preferred swimming location. It is preferable to separate swimmers and water craft activities and, as such, it determined the area identified within Places and Spaces is not suitable for a boat ramp. Additionally the identification and creation of boat ramps is the State Government’s (Transport and Main Roads) responsibility. Therefore, whilst Council can advocate for new and/or improved ramp facilities it is ultimately the state who determine where and if they are to progress.  You can read about Council’s recent call to State Government to improve boat ramps, including Booyan, here.  Previous assessment by the State revealed a ramp on the beach is unsuitable due to dynamic nature of the sand movement, shallow slope, and open exposure to wind and ocean swell. This led to the State Government funding of a new Boat Ramp at Fairymead.

    11. Has Council considered the impact of beach erosion, storm inundation or climate change?

    Bundaberg Regional Council has recently completed Our Coast - Bundaberg Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy (CHAS) through the State Government’s QCoast 2100 program. Our Coast enables the region to be better prepared to address the impacts of coastal hazards on our communities, environment, cultural values, infrastructure, liveability and services. More information on Our Coast is available here. The CHAS identifies adaptation pathways for each costal community. Moore Park Beach has been identified as a priority settlement for adaptation responses to coastal hazards, refer to Our Coast for specific details on the impacts the community will face in the future and proposed adaptation strategies.

    Places and Spaces has reduced the impact of future coastal hazards by limiting permanent development within the erosion zone and proposing increased vegetation and planting on within the primary dune area.