Branyan Local Area Plan
Bundaberg Regional Council is undertaking local area planning to guide the logical, coordinated, and efficient delivery of future urban development in Branyan.
The Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan identifies Branyan as a growth area primarily for residential purposes, while also allowing for a range of employment opportunities and local services.
The need for local area planning originated within the Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Scheme, which was adopted in 2015, and is supported by the number of development applications and enquiries that have been submitted within Branyan.
A large portion of the land within the Branyan locality was included in the Emerging community zone in the Planning Scheme to protect the area from premature and unplanned development until a more strategic approach to land use planning could be undertaken by Council.
Branyan is currently characterised by a mix of rural, rural residential, urban residential, and industrial activities. This mix of land uses influences planning for the area, including the sequencing of development and the provision of urban infrastructure, such as water and sewer. Branyan also includes areas of environmental significance and experiences flooding impacts from the Burnett River and McCoys Creek.
The local area planning seeks to ensure development proceeds in a logical manner with appropriate infrastructure and services in place while protecting existing land uses and environmental features. The preparation of a local area plan for Branyan aims to provide certainty for residents and landowners regarding the future planning direction of the locality.
A map showing the extent of the Branyan local plan area is available here.
Update 28 October, 2021
Throughout September 2021, landowners in the Branyan local plan area and across the broader community were invited to complete an on-line survey to gauge the community’s views on important factors to be considered as part of future development in the Branyan area.
Council’s Strategic Planning team is reviewing the responses to this survey, and this feedback will be considered in Council’s drafting of the local area plan.
Update 31 October, 2022
To support local area planning being undertaken by Council’s Strategic Planning team for the Branyan emerging community area, Council has decided to undertake more thorough planning for development infrastructure required to service future development in this identified growth area. This includes road, stormwater, active transport, and public parks infrastructure, along with trunk water and wastewater infrastructure.
Council’s Strategic Planning team has revised its timeframes for delivery of local area planning for Branyan so that this project can be undertaken in conjunction with the infrastructure planning work now being progressed by Council’s Infrastructure Services section.
Further updates will be provided as this work progresses, including details on when landowners and the community will be able to provide further input and feedback on the Branyan Local Area Plan.
How can I get involved?
There will be further opportunity for the community to provide feedback, including when the draft local area plan is released for public consultation. Please subscribe to receive project updates, including when the draft plan will be available for comment.
Council’s Strategic Planning Team is happy to discuss this project further with landowners and any other interested parties at any stage – see contact details in the ‘Who’s Listening’ section.